Thank you for everything you do for me. I am not very healthy, my waist and hip joints ache, I had 9 intravenous injections, paid $10…but I still walk badly.
Now my granddaughter went away and I am alone.
Three times a month I got a food packet from “Hesed”, but today they phoned and said that I must come for it myself. What they include into the packet: one bottle of vegetable oil, one kilo of frozen old tasteless fish, a packet of curds, a packet of oatmeal. It is every ten days. Second time: one chicken, a kilo of buckwheat (I am ill with diabetes), a packet of curds, 3 tomatoes or cucumbers, sometimes three red beets. Third time something else. Actually, they may not have money now. Last year they distributed bed linen-blanket covers, sheets, pillowcases; now they don’t give out anything, even on holidays, probably, they have no funds.
…Thank you for everything… Please write about your life, your family, whether you have children, what do they do, how is your health-in general, about everything.
With love,
Eva Semyonovna
God bless you.